Top 10k strings from Sgt. Pepper 06 (1989)(Sgt. Pepper)[a].z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 ~wpjd^YTOKGC?;852/,*'%#! 1 nhnhnhnhnhnhnhn 1 nhnhhnnnnhnnhnnnnhnnhhnhnhnhnhnn 1 nhnhhnnnnhnnhnnnnhnnhhnhn 1 hnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnh 1 b$="Pepper6" 1 a$="Sgt.6" 1 Z0 D< 0DD 1 VIVIEN LEIGH: 1 This music module is the copyright of Jas.C.Brooke. Prepare to die! 1 STRAWBERRYCREAM 1 Microdrive/Opus 1 IS THAT YOU DACK ? 1 Hi there Speccyfreaks, Sgt. Pepper is back on your screens again. Before I start with the usual stuff that goes into these scrollers, let me say that if you're using a 48K, pressing any key will change between tunes. If you're using a 128K, pressing ENTER will change between tunes and holding down the SPACE key will give various soundeffects. It's been a while since my last demo, hope you think it was worth waiting for. I'm glad to see that there are more and more people who makes demos, but there will never be enough. If you haven't made a demo yet, why don't you have a go at it ? I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who can do some exciting stuff. Now then, a question, I asked about 'Beatle Quest' in Pepper 5, and now I ask again, if any of you do have a copy of the game please send me a copy too!!! Now some news for Disciple and Plus D owners. Until now the multiloaders I have converted to disc has only been compatible with Disciple 3b. I've sorted out the various dosversions some of you have se 1 HAIR PEACE 1 GGGBVBEtVteyAAy 1 GFFGFFGGGyYAyyAAAAGBG 1 FREAK OUT! USING THE OLD DISASSEMBLER EH ? WELL, IT IS ONE WAY OF LEARNING. NOT MUCH TO RIP OFF THOUGH, BUT FEEL FREE IF YOU'RE DESPERATE 1 Disciple/Plus D 1 BJ0RN BORG - JOHN MCENROE 1-6 7-5 6-3 6-7 8-6! 1 BEATLEMANIA RULES OK! 1 -,+*)('&%$#"! 1 )05)05)05)05)050'.3'.3'. 1 '"0 - Start" 1 &+ ',!(-"). 1 $#MNB%LKJHPOIUY0987612345QWERTASDFG"ZXCV 1 #16=BKXZy| 1 "Sgt. Pepper Demo 6"'' 1 "Saveoptions:"'' 1 "ENTER when ready: "; 1 "5 - Microdrive/Opus" 1 "4 - Beta Disc" 1 "3 - +3 Disc" 1 "2 - Disciple/Plus D" 1 "1 - Tape" 1 !$&(&(+--02478 1 !!!SDRAWKCAB SI SIHT ,NAM YEH: 1 To Dack: Thanks a million for making Beatles Mix. It was absolutely megafab!!! Keep up the good work. To Zero: As you can see, I've just made Pepper 6!!! Hope you like it. To my very good friend Geir: Just a few more months now mate, then it's out of the army. Glad to hear you've got you're Speccy back. To Stew: My alter ego, or is it vice versa ? I don't know, but we're destined for the funny farm. To Geronimo Caddilac (who ?): It's nice to be back in the saddle. To Henrik: Have you sold out or what ? To Roy: The fabs are still fab, don't you think ? To Doug: Fixed your 128 yet ? To Frode: What do you think of this ? I'm sure I have forgotten somebody so I say hi to them too!!! Remember, the Speccy rules ok!!! This demo was put together on April 21th 1989 by Sgt. Pepper, Norways number one. 1 On the singleloaders there will be saveoptions to tape/disciple/plus d/+3 disc/beta disc/microdrive/opus. Of course it does depend on how much memory that is available. 1 Now a few greetings.